Monday, September 5, 2011




                         "TANTRA is one of the important  shastra  in indian india number of the shasrta  ,darshan ,yoga ,and  more other religious path is available to reach to the way which goes to the god,if its true.India is  country where almost 7 or more religions are Hindu ,Muslim ,Christian ,shik ,parsi ,etc".                             

  "But the majority of Hindu culture is spreed in entire country and before years back  it even out of India even in china ,Nepal ,Pakistan ,Tibet , Myanmar ,Bangladesh ,and shrilanka .

so hindu culture has very deep rout since  last many many in Hinduism also diffrent  and verity of  path where every one can get the way wat he wants,like wise the six darshan are available that is vedant , nyaya , sankhya ,yoga ,mimansa ,vaishesik  .this are the six darshan which called this other darshan like pashupat ,kapalik ,lakulish ,panini , chavark ,ramanuj ,hatayog ,and etc".              
"in all this darshan tantra shastra is one of the shastra which has got big followers in India.the number of people they accept tantra and they do their by the tantrik way ,here i would like to say in one line that the original siddhant of tantra depend on the siddhant of advet which can understand  by one after the long sadhna in tantra.

it is difficult to under stant tantra in one single theory ,it can under stand after lone practice in under the constant care by the GURU  it is pure sadhna of the atmatatva which matches the siddhant with adivate  as per the tantra the main siddhant is to became the super power .

The three type of puja is available in tantra 1) apara 2)apara-para 3) para .in this three puja first starts with apara puja wher you  can use the many thing like naivedya,deep ,arti , flowers ,abhishek , pujan and many more things.where in apara-para you can use the same things along with nyas puja ,avaran puja ,and many more kriyas where you are attracting god in the different organs to your body and your are giving the space tro the god as per the way design   by tantra .but inthe last puja which called para puja you need not to use any type of materials regarding puja ,

in this puja you just thing that you ,your guru ,your god ,  and your mantra is one not four different thing ,its call shive bhav.altimet  tantrik sadhna is the one of the most beautiful sadhna available in world

here i would like to say the first stepe regarding tantra sadhna that for that you have to take guru mantra wit  complete method and you are advise to do chanting on daily basis in resided technique .

only chanting can also give you divine power ,and it also say by bhagvan shanker ," japat siddhir japat siddhir 
  ".nut shell,"

                            if i say honestly it is most beautiful sadhna available in the world."